Win Every Argument: The Art of Debating, Persuading, & Public SpeakingMehdi Hasan
November 19th, 2022 Risala Foundation is excited to announce Win Every Argument, featuring prominent British-American journalist Mehdi Hasan. Hasan visits us on November 19th to teach us the art of debating, arguing, and persuasive public speaking. Debating, as he says, “is the lifeblood of democracy and the only surefire way to establish the truth.” Copies of his book will be on sale at the event. Mark your calendars for a masterclass from the award-winning journalist who perfected the art of debate! |
About the Author
MEHDI HASAN is the host of “The Mehdi Hasan Show” on Peacock, and an MSNBC political analyst. He is a former senior columnist for The Intercept, for which he launched the “Deconstructed” podcast. He was also the presenter of “UpFront” and “Head to Head” on Al Jazeera English. He is the author of two books and the winner of the Society of Professional Journalists’ 2018 Sigma Delta Chi Award for Online Column Writing.
Courageous Stewardship: Glad Tidings of Paradise for the StrangersUstadh Amjad Tarsin | Dr. Nadia Katrangi |Sidi Uthman Ames | Brother Fiyyaz Jaat
Risala Foundation's Annual Retreat November 4th-6th, 2022 Don’t miss our highly anticipated annual retreat! We are thrilled to announce a top-notch roster of respected scholars. Ustadh Amjad Tarsin joins us from Al-Maqasid, and Dr. Nadia Katrangi comes to us as the beloved chairman of Good Tree Institute. We also have with us Sidi Uthman Ames, whose nasheeds will fill your heart with love for Allah and His Beloved Prophet ﷺ, while brother Fiyyaz Jaat will, as always, inspire and engage our youth with special activities. Sign up now before spots fill up! |
About the Speakers
USTADH AMJAD TARSIN was born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan and he obtained his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Michigan in English Literature and Islamic Studies. He then spent an intensive year studying at Dar al-Mustafa for Islamic Sciences in Tarim, Yemen. There, he studied under such luminaries as Habib Umar bin Hafiz, Habib Ali Abu Bakr, Habib Muhammad al-‘Aydarus, Sayyid Salim Bin Hafiz, Sh. Munir Ba-Zhayr, and others. Following his studies in Tarim, he enrolled at Hartford Seminary’s Islamic Chaplaincy program where he complete his Master of Arts in June of 2012. He then served as Muslim Chaplain at the University of Toronto for seven years before joining the faculty at al-Maqasid in June 2019.
Ustadh Amjad is the host of SoulFood FM, a podcast about practical ways of achieving spiritual refinement. Additionally, he has translated Sufism: Its Essence and the Traits of Its People, Sacred Knowledge: Aims and Objectives, and The Islamic Discourse: Its Current State and Future Development, all of which were authored by al-Habib ‘Umar Bin Hafiz.
DR. NADIA KATRANGI is the chairman of the Good Tree Institute and one of those rare scholars who has both the gift of communication – able to share what they learn easily with those around them – and a penchant for the written word, giving her the ability to read and translate easily. As a scholar who is highly intellectual, especially in the field of medicine, Nadia uses her gifts at Good Tree Institute to teach, translate, and inspire. Growing up in Syria, Nadia was drawn to religious studies as well as to academic studies, receiving multiple certifications by renowned scholars in Damascus. Her training in the Islamic Sciences included the biography of the Prophet Mohammad ﷺ, Quranic Sciences and interpretation, Islamic History, Islamic Jurisprudence and the Sciences of Hadith, and an ijaza in memorization and tajweed in Quran from the esteemed scholar Shaykh Hasan al-Kurdi.
As Dr. Katrangi studied medicine and eventually moved into pathology as a career path, she found her academics and her faith continued to be intertwined. As she says, “Our body, mind, and soul as humans are very connected; to live to your highest potential, you must use all three.”
At Good Tree Institute, Dr. Katrangi created a place that felt like home to her, and felt like home to the other original founders. Today, she prides herself on finding beauty in the Quran, provoking thoughtful and nurturing conversations and encouraging an open space for all who attend Good Tree retreats, classes, or camps. “One of the biggest things you can do is recognizing who God is for you,” she says. “There is so much love in The Divine. When you live your life from that place, you have that on your side.”
SIDI WENDELL UTHMAN AMES’ story begins at a hip-hop store in Southern California where he worked during high school. He watched his manager take breaks during the day to pray in a back room. A group of Filipino converts began visiting the store, further triggering his interest in Islam. The Filipino converts befriended him, and he took his shahada with them at the age of 17.
He began driving with them to the Bay Area to take classes with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Sidi Uthman would eventually move to the Bay Area where he now lives with his wife and four beautiful children. He works as a Registered Nurse and has a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu. He is now a well known munshid and shares his beautiful voice at gatherings all over the world; he loves attending mawlids and singing about the beloved Prophet Mohammad ﷺ
BROTHER FIYYAZ JAAT currently serves as the Director of Youth Programming and Services Department for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). He has been involved with the Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) as an advisor for over fifteen years. Brother Fiyyaz is known for his ability to connect with youth and tackle sensitive and relevant issues facing youth today. He believes in a balanced approach – of growing and living in today’s society with a strong Muslim identity.
Ustadh Amjad is the host of SoulFood FM, a podcast about practical ways of achieving spiritual refinement. Additionally, he has translated Sufism: Its Essence and the Traits of Its People, Sacred Knowledge: Aims and Objectives, and The Islamic Discourse: Its Current State and Future Development, all of which were authored by al-Habib ‘Umar Bin Hafiz.
DR. NADIA KATRANGI is the chairman of the Good Tree Institute and one of those rare scholars who has both the gift of communication – able to share what they learn easily with those around them – and a penchant for the written word, giving her the ability to read and translate easily. As a scholar who is highly intellectual, especially in the field of medicine, Nadia uses her gifts at Good Tree Institute to teach, translate, and inspire. Growing up in Syria, Nadia was drawn to religious studies as well as to academic studies, receiving multiple certifications by renowned scholars in Damascus. Her training in the Islamic Sciences included the biography of the Prophet Mohammad ﷺ, Quranic Sciences and interpretation, Islamic History, Islamic Jurisprudence and the Sciences of Hadith, and an ijaza in memorization and tajweed in Quran from the esteemed scholar Shaykh Hasan al-Kurdi.
As Dr. Katrangi studied medicine and eventually moved into pathology as a career path, she found her academics and her faith continued to be intertwined. As she says, “Our body, mind, and soul as humans are very connected; to live to your highest potential, you must use all three.”
At Good Tree Institute, Dr. Katrangi created a place that felt like home to her, and felt like home to the other original founders. Today, she prides herself on finding beauty in the Quran, provoking thoughtful and nurturing conversations and encouraging an open space for all who attend Good Tree retreats, classes, or camps. “One of the biggest things you can do is recognizing who God is for you,” she says. “There is so much love in The Divine. When you live your life from that place, you have that on your side.”
SIDI WENDELL UTHMAN AMES’ story begins at a hip-hop store in Southern California where he worked during high school. He watched his manager take breaks during the day to pray in a back room. A group of Filipino converts began visiting the store, further triggering his interest in Islam. The Filipino converts befriended him, and he took his shahada with them at the age of 17.
He began driving with them to the Bay Area to take classes with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Sidi Uthman would eventually move to the Bay Area where he now lives with his wife and four beautiful children. He works as a Registered Nurse and has a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu. He is now a well known munshid and shares his beautiful voice at gatherings all over the world; he loves attending mawlids and singing about the beloved Prophet Mohammad ﷺ
BROTHER FIYYAZ JAAT currently serves as the Director of Youth Programming and Services Department for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). He has been involved with the Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) as an advisor for over fifteen years. Brother Fiyyaz is known for his ability to connect with youth and tackle sensitive and relevant issues facing youth today. He believes in a balanced approach – of growing and living in today’s society with a strong Muslim identity.